
If you came to the site for my photo or video work, or my blog, here’s a bit about another side of me: since 2000, I’ve been writing and recording music. These days, it’s more of a side gig, but there’s still plenty to listen to. I’ve released two solo albums, “M5” and “USSRshchina”, a collaborative EP with my brother called “By the Wires”, a collection of collab tracks titled “Spotlights”, and some tracks from rap battles.

In 2019, my friend Sasha FRG and I launched a duo project called DAS & FRG. Both of us had taken a long break from music, so 2019 was all about warming up, and we only released a few singles that year.

My first album. The original release came out in 2011 under the name “Vitamins M5” with a slightly different tracklist. I launched it on the then-new portal Thank You and made it available for free listening on VK. When music platforms became more accessible, I reassembled the tracklist, updated the cover art, and uploaded the album there.

My second release was an EP I recorded with my cousin. This album was an experiment where we set ourselves three goals:

• Write a heartfelt song with a catchy chorus in just one hour (“Milaya”)

• Create a song that feels great to listen to while driving at night (“Above the Ground”)

• Write a song with a rock-style chorus (“By the Wires”)

It turned out great, and I still enjoy listening to it. By the way, my cousin has since stopped making music and now crafts handmade wooden flutes.

A conceptual EP made 90% from Soviet-era samples.

The album’s title and cover not only reflect its conceptual sound but also playfully parody the cover and name of rapper Karandash’s album Americanschina 2.

What started as a fleeting pun turned into this unique piece of work.

This isn’t so much a release as it is a compilation of collaborative songs recorded since 2010.

In 2019, I took part in the 17th Independent Battle on At first, I wasn’t planning to submit a track for the qualifying round, but the battle generated a lot of buzz, so I decided to enter.

I made it to the 4th round but had to withdraw due to a lack of time. I informed my opponent, which disappointed him. Anyway, here are my tracks from that battle:

In 2011, I participated in the 9th official battle. I made it to the 5th round, where I lost to the battle’s finalist, the well-known Rem Digga


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